Qin Liu gracelq628 at 126.com
Wed Nov 29 03:06:04 CET 2017



The 4th IEEE Smart World Congress (SmartWorld 2018)
October 8-12, 2018
Guangzhou, China

SmartWorld 2018 calls for workshops and special sessions which will complement the research topics of the Smart World.

A workshop refers to an academic event in conjunction with SmartWorld 2018. A special session is an embedded session in SmartWorld 2018, focusing on a specific research topic relevant to the main conference. Each workshop will be expected to accept at least 6 papers. Each special session will be expected to accept 4-6 full-length papers.

Workshop/special session organizers are responsible for forming program committees, circulating Call for papers, organizing submissions and reviews as well as planning the final programs. SmartWorld 2018 workshop/special session co-chairs will assist the workshop/special session organizers in organizing workshops/special sessions and ensure their quality and success. The registration fees for workshops/special sessions will be determined by the organizing committees of SmartWorld 2018, which will provide workshop/special session facilities. Workshops/special sessions should strictly follow the important dates. The paper submission deadlines could be after that of the main conference to allow workshops/special sessions to pick up some good papers submitted to the main conference. However, sufficient time (5-7 weeks), should be allocated for peer reviews. Each paper should be reviewed by at least three experts in the corresponding areas.

Please email your workshop/special session proposals in PDF format by Feb. 15, 2018 to: the SmartWorld 2018 workshop/special session co-chairs, Manuel Roveri (roveri at elet.polimi.it), Seiichi Ozawa (ozawasei at kobe-u.ac.jp) and Qin Liu (gracelq628 at hnu.edu.cn). Please use SmartWorld 2018 workshop and special session proposal as the email subject. Paper Submissions for accepted workshop/special session should follow the same Paper Submission Guidelines for the main conference. The length of a workshop paper submission may be about 6 pages.

Workshop & Special Session - Important Dates
- Proposal due: February 8, 2018
- Proposal notification: April 8, 2018
- Submission & notification dues: To be decided by individual workshop/Special Session
- Camera ready version due: August 8, 2018

Dr. Qin Liu
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
Hunan University
Changsha, Hunan Province,P.R. China, 410082
Mobile: +86-13548577157
Email: gracelq628 at hnu.edu.cn; gracelq628 at 126.com
Homepage: http://csee.hnu.edu.cn/hbs/lq/
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