[Om-announce] Call For Paper for the 29th Biennial Symposium on Communications (BSC 2018)

Saeed Samet Saeed.Samet at uwindsor.ca
Sat Feb 3 21:28:24 CET 2018

Biennial Symposium on Communications is a prestigious international research conference in communications, information theory, and signal processing. Organized since 1962 by Queen?s University, the Symposium is now presented by the Canadian Society of Information Theory, and its 29th biennial symposium will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from June 6 to 8, 2018.

Submission Guidelines

BSC 2018 solicits previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics in communications, information theory, and signal processing, including (but not limited to):

- Communication and Information Theory
- Coding and Signal Processing for Communications
- Multiple Antenna Systems and Cooperative Communications
- Communication System Security and Cryptography
- Source coding and Multimedia Communications
- Wireless Networks and Cloud Communication
- Ad-hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
- Massive MIMO
- Millimeter Wave Communication
- 5G Wireless Systems
- Optimization Techniques for Communications
- Optical Communication Networks and Systems
- Smart Grid Communications
- Green Communications and Energy Harvesting
- Multiuser Communication and Interference Management
- Cognitive Communications and Ultra-Wideband Systems
- Nano-networking and Molecular Communication
- Biological Information Theory
- Internet of Things (IoT) / Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
- Software-Defined Networking
- Network Virtualization

Manuscripts for peer review must be submitted through EasyChair in standard IEEE two-column format (no more than 5 pages). Accepted papers will be presented orally at the Symposium by the authors, and at least one author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the Symposium. The inaugural Annual CSIT Best Paper Award will be given* to the best paper presented in the Symposium. Symposium content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.

Please see the conference website at: http://infotheory.ca/bsc2018/ for detailed submission instructions.

You can also use the direct submission link at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bsc20180

Important Dates:

Submission due date: Mar. 11, 2018
Notification of Acceptance date: April 22, 2018
Final Paper Submission date: May 6, 2018
Conference dates: June 6 to 8, 2018

Organizing committee

General Chair: Ali Miri (Ryerson University)
TPC Co-Chairs: Xiaodai Dong (University of Victoria) and Masoud Ardakani (University of Alberta)
Publicity Chair: Saeed Samet (University of Windsor)
Publication Chair: Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro (Telecom Sud Paris)
Finance Chair: Yongyi Mao (University of Ottawa)

* Subject to approval


Saeed Samet

Assistant Professor
School of Computer Science
Room 5102, Lambton Tower
University of Windsor
Windsor, ON, N9B 3P4
Tel: (519) 253-3000x3782
Saeed.Samet at uwindsor.ca
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