[Om-announce] iFM 18' PhD Symposium Call for Papers

Hao Wu haowu at cs.nuim.ie
Thu Jun 14 11:13:15 CEST 2018

                   Call for Papers
              PhD Symposium at iFM'18 on
    Formal Methods: Algorithms, Tools and Applications
            Maynooth, Ireland, September 04, 2018


Paper submission: June 22, 2018
Author notification: July 15, 2018

=== Scope  ===

The theory, implementation, integration or application of
formal methods in a broad sense.

=== Who can submit? ===

PhD students and young researchers at an early
career stage (up to 2 years after PhD completion).

=== Why to submit? ===

Participants will have the possibility to give short
presentations about their research projects. Furthermore,
we are happy to announce an invited talk by Dr. Grant Passmore,
Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Aesthetic Integration, London. 

- The doctoral symposium offers an excellent opportunity to
  present your work in an international setting, and to get
  feedback from senior researchers in the field.
- The doctoral symposium lets you exchange knowledge and
  experiences with fellow PhD-students in a related topic.
- The best paper/presentation will be awarded.
- The selected contributions will be published as a technical
  report of the University of Oslo, Norway.

=== What to submit? ===

You are welcome to submit an extended abstract of 1-3 pages,
describing your research project which you would like to
present. Co-authors are allowed. The results may have been
accepted or even published elsewhere. If you are author of
an accepted iFM'18 publication, it is sufficient to submit
the title, authors and abstract of that paper.

Multiple submissions by one author are not permitted. 
Submissions should be written in English and follow the 
EasyChair formatting guidelines, available at


Please submit your abstract electronically in pdf via the
EasyChair page


The submitted abstracts will undergo a lightweight reviewing
process. A symposium proceedings containing the accepted
abstracts will be available as a technical report of 
the University of Oslo.

=== Invited Presentation ===

 Dr. Grant Olney Passmore. 
  - Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Aesthetic Integration, London
  - Life Member, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
  - Honorary Associate, LABORES - Laboratoire de Recherche 
    Scientifique, Paris

=== Symposium Co-Chairs ===

  Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), chair 
  S. Lizeth Tapia Tarifa (University of Oslo, Norway), chair

=== Program Committee ===

  Nils Jansen (Radboud University)					
  Richard Bubel (TU Darmstadt)				
  José Proença (HASLab - INESC TEC/University of Minho)				
  Marie Farrell (National University of Ireland Maynooth)			
  Luigia Petre (Åbo Akademi University)
  Zoltán Horváth (Eötvös Loránd University)

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