[Om-announce] Call for Contributions - 24th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2019)

Giovanni Livraga giovanni.livraga at unimi.it
Thu Nov 8 10:35:39 CET 2018


24th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies 
Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
June 4-6, 2019

The organizing committee of the 24th ACM Symposium on Access Control 
Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2019) invites contributions in all 
aspects of access control. The symposium will provide participants the 
opportunity to present work at different levels of development, from 
early work on promising ideas to fully developed technical results as 
well as system demonstrations.


Papers offering novel research contributions are solicited for submission. 
Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and published by the ACM 
in the symposium proceedings. In addition to the regular research track, this 
year SACMAT will again host a special track -- “Blue Sky/Vision Track”. 
Researchers are invited to submit papers describing promising new ideas and 
challenges of interest to the community as well as access control needs emerging 
from other fields. We are particularly looking for potentially disruptive and new
ideas which can shape the research agenda for the next 10 years. We encourage 
submissions that present ideas that may have not been completely developed and 
experimentally evaluated. 

Submissions to the regular track covering any relevant area of access control 
are welcomed. Areas include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Access control for edge computing
- Applications
- Applied machine learning for access management
- Attribute-based systems
- Authentication
- Big data
- Biometrics
- Blockchain
- Cloud computing and network access control management
- Cryptographic approaches
- Cyber attacks and network dynamics
- Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
- Databases and data management
- Data protection on untrusted infrastructure
- Design methodology
- Distributed and mobile systems
- Economic models and game theory
- Enforcement mechanisms
- Hardware enhanced security
- Identity management
- Identification of and protection from data leakage
- Mechanisms, systems, and tools
- Models and extensions
- Obligations
- Privacy-aware access control
- Policy engineering and analysis
- Requirements
- Risk and uncertainty 
- Safety analysis
- Theoretical foundations
- Trust management
- Usability


Papers must be written in English. Authors are required to use the ACM format 
for papers, using one of the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates in the following link:

The length of the paper in the proceedings format must not exceed twelve US 
letter pages formatted for 8.5” x 11” paper and be no more than 5MB in size. 
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their submission will 
print easily on simple default configurations.  The submission must be anonymous, 
so information that might identify the authors - including author names, 
affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious self-citations - must be excluded. It 
is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their anonymity is preserved when 
citing their own work. Submissions should be made to the EasyChair conference 
management system by the paper submission deadline of February 10, 2019:

All submissions must contain a significant original contribution. That is, submitted 
papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that are 
simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference or workshop. In particular, 
simultaneous submission of the same work is not allowed. Wherever appropriate, 
relevant related work, including that of the authors, must be cited. Submissions 
that are not accepted as full papers may be invited to appear as short papers. At 
least one author from each accepted paper much register for the conference prior 
to the camera-ready deadline.


All submissions to the Blue Sky/Vision Track should follow the same ACM format of 
the regular track but the length of the paper in the proceedings format must not 
exceed ten US letter pages. Submissions to this track should NOT be blinded for 
review.  Submissions to the Blue Sky track should be submitted to the EasyChair 
conference management system by the paper submission deadline of February 10, 2019.


SACMAT 2019 will include a poster session to promote discussion of ongoing projects 
among researchers in the access control field. Posters can cover preliminary or 
exploratory work with interesting ideas, or research projects in early stages with 
promising results in all aspects of access control. Authors interested in having 
a poster must submit a poster extended abstracts of up to three pages (including 
all sections) formatted like regular research papers, but not anonymized; titles 
should start with the keyword "Poster:".  Accepted poster abstracts will be included 
in the conference proceedings.  All submissions must be in PDF format. 
Submissions should be emailed to poster session chair, Murtuza Jadliwala 
(murtuza.jadliwala at utsa.edu) by Apr 1, 2019, 5pm PT.  
Submission Requirements: 
Please include the text "2019 SACMAT POSTER" in the email subject line. 


The demonstration proposal should clearly describe (1) the overall architecture of 
the system or technology to be demonstrated, and (2) one or more demonstration 
scenarios that describe how the audience, interacting with the demonstration system 
or the demonstrator, will gain an understanding of the underlying technology. 
Submissions will be evaluated based on the motivation of the work behind the 
use of the system or technology to be demonstrated and its novelty.

Demonstration proposals should be no longer than four pages and should use the 
formatting guidelines described above for regular papers. However, demonstration 
proposals are not subject to double-blind reviewing, hence the author(s) name and 
affiliation(s) should be included in the submission. A two-page description of the 
demonstration will be included in the final proceedings. 
Please e-mail the submission directly to the Demonstrations Chair, Axel Kern 
(axel.kern at betasystems.com) by Apr 1, 2019, 5pm PT.


Panel proposals should be no longer than two pages, and should identify potential 
panelists, indicating those who have confirmed their willingness to participate. 
We especially solicit panels with participants from industry and/or government. 
Proposals can be e-mailed to the Panels Chair, Aniket Kate (aniket at purdue.edu) by 
Apr 1, 2019, 5pm PT.


- Paper submission due:  February 10, 2019 (5PM Pacific Time)
- Author feedback about initial reviews: March 27-29, 2019
- Notification to authors: April 8, 2019
- Systems Demo / Poster submissions due: April 1, 2019
- Systems Demo / Poster notification: April 15, 2019
- Panel Proposal: April 1, 2019
- Camera-ready due for all accepted submissions: April 22, 2019
- Conference: June 4-6, 2019


General Chairs: 	
- Florian Kerschbaum (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Atefeh Mashatan (Ryerson University, Canada)

Program Chairs: 
- Jianwei Niu (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
- Adam J. Lee (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

Panel Chair: 	
- Aniket Kate (Purdue University, USA)

Special Track Vision/Blue Sky Thinking Chair:
- Elisa Bertino (Purdue University, USA)

Demo Chair:
- Axel Kern (Beta Systems, Germany)

- Basit Shafiq (Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan)

Poster Chair:
- Murtuza Jadliwala (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)

10-years Best Paper Award Committee Chair:
- Barbara Carminati (University of Insubria, Italy)

Publicity Chair:
- Giovanni Livraga (Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy)

Proceedings Chair:
- Hongxin Hu (Clemson University, USA)

Web Master:
- Dongwan Shin (New Mexico Tech, USA)

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