[Om-announce] [FGCS] Special Issue on Trusted Cloud-Edges Computations (Submission deadline extended to Jan 15, 2019)

Claudio A. Ardagna claudio.ardagna at unimi.it
Mon Nov 19 16:52:14 CET 2018

***Submission deadline extended to January 15th, 2019***

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

Future Generation Computer Systems
Special Issue on Trusted Cloud-Edges (CE) Computations

Current and future service-based software needs to remain focused 
towards the development and deployment of large and complex intelligent 
and networked information systems, required for internet-based and 
intranet-based systems in organizations, as well to move to IoT 
integration and big data analytics. Today, service-based software covers 
a very wide range of application domains as well as technologies and 
research issues. This has recently found realization through the 
integration of cloud computing and IoT, forming a revolutionary 
paradigm, cloud-assisted Internet of things (CoT), that enables 
intelligent and self-con?guring (smart) IoT devices to be connected with 
the cloud through the Internet. However, huge volume of data generated 
from real-world applications leads to the operation difficulty of CoT 
paradigm. More specifically, while billions of connected devices will 
generate exabytes of data every day, moving all the data from comparably 
resource-constrained IoT devices to the cloud becomes a big challenge. 
Hence, the centralized CoT model is undergoing a paradigm shift towards 
a decentralized model termed as edge computing, where local and 
distributed edge devices such as smartphones, smart gateways, and local 
PC with weaker capability than the centralized cloud can offer 
cloud-like service for only a limited group of devices. While the 
centralized cloud is still inevitable for the heavyweight computation 
needs, in this emerging Cloud-Edges (CE) paradigm, the cloud, together 
with local edge devices jointly offer services and intelligence. CE 
paradigm complements traditional CoT paradigm in terms of high 
scalability, low delay, location awareness, and instant local client 
computing capabilities. Nonetheless, due to the multiple and even highly 
distributed roles in CE paradigm, vital elements in such CE paradigm are 
the notions of trust, security, privacy and risk management among the 
cloud, edge devices, and end devices.

This special issue solicits submissions from both academia and industry 
presenting novel research in the context of trusted Cloud-Edges (CE) 
computations, presenting theoretical and practical approaches to cloud, 
big data, IoT and edge computing trust, security, privacy and risk 
management. This special issue will provide a special focus on the 
intersection between cloud paradigm, big data analytics, IoT integration 
and edge computing, bringing together experts from the four communities 
to discuss on the vital issues of trust, security, privacy and risk 
management in cloud computing, shedding the light on novel issues and 
requirements in domains of big data, IoT, and edge computing. Potential 
contributions could cover new approaches, methodologies, protocols, 
tools, or verification and validation techniques. We also welcome review 
papers that analyze critically the current status of trust, security, 
privacy and risk management in the cloud, big data, IoT, and edge 
computing. Papers from practitioners who encounter trust, security, 
privacy, and risk management problems, and seek understanding are 
finally welcome. Best papers from the 7th International Symposium on 
Secure Virtual Infrastructures - Cloud and Trusted Computing 
(http://www.otmconferences.org/index.php/conferences/ctc-2018) will be 
also invited to submit to the special issue.

The following themes are of particular interest:
- Authentication, auditing and accountability in Cloud-Edges
- Edge computing architectures and solution design patterns
- Edge computing for IoT
- Communication and networking protocols for Cloud-Edges
- Fine-grained access control mechanism in Cloud-Edges
- Privacy-preserving computation in Cloud-Edges
- Trust and reputation issues in Cloud-Edges
- Security architecture for Cloud-Edges
- Key management in Cloud-Edges
- IoT communication in Cloud-Edges
- Data caching for big data in Cloud-Edges
- Big data analytics in Cloud-Edges
- Incentive models or techniques for data processing in Cloud-Edges
- Privacy-Enhancing Cryptographic Techniques in Cloud-Edges
- Secure Data Analysis and Private Learning
- Outsourced or Verifiable Computation in Cloud-Edges
- Secure Software-Defined Networking and Virtualization for in Cloud-Edges
- Security for Crowdsourcing in Cloud-Edges

- Manuscript Due: January 15, 2019 *FIRM*
- First Review Notification: April 15, 2019
- Revised Manuscript: May 31, 2019
- Second Review Notification: June 30, 2019
- Second Revised Manuscript: July 31, 2019
- Camera Ready Paper Due: August 31, 2019
- Publication Date: Third Quarter of 2019

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be 
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submission must 
be in the form of a PDF file and must be in English. All papers will be 
thoroughly peer-reviewed by independent reviewers and selected based on 
originality, scientific quality and relevance to the special issue. The 
journal editors will make final decisions about the acceptance of the 
All submissions must be prepared according to the Guide for Authors 
available on FGCS homepage and submitted through the Editorial system 
(EVISE) located at https://www.evise.com/evise/jrnl/FGCS. Authors must 
select "VSI: Trusted Cloud-Edge Comp", from the "Choose Article Type" 
pull-down menu during the submission process at EVISE.

Claudio A. Ardagna
University of Milan, Italy
claudio.ardagna at unimi.it

Mauro Conti
University of Padova, Italy
conti at math.unipd.it

Ernesto Damiani
Centre on Cyber-Physical Systems, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
ernesto.damiani at kustar.ac.ae

Chia-Mu Yu
National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
chiamuyu at nchu.edu.tw

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