[Om-announce] Special Issue CFP: The World Wide Web Journal - Smart Computing and Cyber Technology for Cyberization - Deadline Dec. 15, 2018

Xiaokang Zhou zhou at biwako.shiga-u.ac.jp
Wed Oct 10 05:17:20 CEST 2018

[Apologies for multiple postings]

                       The World Wide Web Journal

Special Issue on Smart Computing and Cyber Technology for Cyberization


Aims and Scope

Following the well-known concepts of computerization and informatization,
an emerging era of cyberization, which is considered as a reformation of
the present physical, social and mental worlds, has become a hotly
discussed trend in the new cyber world. During the cyberization process, a
large number of real things will conjugatively map to various kinds and
levels of cyber existence in cyber world. It is said that cyberization has
already taken place in a variety of fields along with the development of
several emerging computing paradigms and information communication
technologies, such as ubiquitous/pervasive computing, social computing and
networking, and wearable technologies, etc. Specifically, with the rapid
growth of Internet of Things and cognitive cyber-physical systems, more and
more digital things or cyber entities, are engaged or generated in the
integrated cyber world. Emerging technologies in smart environments, such
as smart computing and smart objects, become very significant, promising,
and enabling issues in cyberization, to enhance the efficiency of sensing,
processing, and communication in the conjugations of physical, social and
mental worlds. Accordingly, the cyber technology is playing an important
role in developing effective methods of resource management, data
acquisition, and pattern recognition across cyber-related systems and
applications. All these provide us opportunities to explore smart computing
methodologies and computational intelligence algorithms, in order to
facilitate the cyberization process in cyber world.

This special issue on Smart Computing and Cyber Technology for Cyberization
aims at bringing together researchers and engineers from both academia and
industry to present physical concepts, calculation methods, application
possibilities, and new opportunities with respect to the development of
cyber-related information and communication technologies. In particular,
this special issue will have a great significance and profound impact on:
i) providing various opportunities in studying cyber and cyber-conjugated
things which are necessary for the cyber-enabled new worlds; ii) organizing
the body of knowledge in cyber-related studies and applications with
comprehensive frameworks in inter-, trans- and multi-discipline fields;
iii) enhancing numerous cyber technologies not only in fundamental research
works, but also in application system development; and iv) offering a
common platform for researchers to gather many existing cyber-related
research areas together, to identify and form promising new frontiers.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

• Knowledge Modeling and Management for Cyberization
• Data Acquisition and Information Fusion in Smart Environments
• Information Sharing and Dissemination in Smart Computing
• Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
• Smart Control and Monitoring for Cyberization
• Cognitive Physical-Social Networks
• Content Analysis and Mining in Cyber-Social Networks
• Behavioral Analytics across Smart Networks
• Deep Learning in Cyberization
• Cyber-Physical Hybrid System Design
• Resource Management in heterogeneous Networks
• Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Smart Networks
• Smart Internet of Things
• Cyber-Physical-Social Data Processing and Intelligence Mining
• Modeling of Biological Neural Networks in Physical-Social Space
• Smart Data Streaming and Real-Time Processing
• Smart Object-Oriented Analytics
• Smart Sensors and Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks
• Data Storage and Integration in Cyberspace
• Distributed Computing and Parallel Processing in Cyberization
• Semantic Web Mining in Smart Computing
• Infrastructure and Platform for Intelligent Network Systems
• Dynamics in Cyber-Social Networks
• Wearable Technologies in Smart Environments
• Smart Cyber-Physical Healthcare Services
• Mobile Computing with Smart Sensors
• Smart Energy Management and Sustainability
• Privacy and Security in Smart Computing


• Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has
neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals.
• All papers will be reviewed following standard reviewing procedures for
the Journal.
• Papers must be prepared in accordance with the Journal guidelines:
• Submit manuscripts to: http://WWWJ.edmgr.com. Choose “Smart Computing and
Cyber Technology for
Cyberization” as the article type.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline:                      December 15, 2018
First Round of Reviews Deadline:                March 15, 2019
Submission of Revision Deadline:                May 15, 2019
2Second Round of Reviews Deadline:              July 15, 2019
Decision of Acceptance Deadline:                August 15, 2019

Guest editors:

Xiaokang Zhou, Shiga University, Japan
Flavia C. Delicato, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kevin Wang, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Runhe Huang, Hosei University, Japan

Contact Information

Corresponding Guest Editor, Dr. Xiaokang Zhou (zhou at biwako.shiga-u.ac.jp)

Xiaokang Zhou (周 暁康), Ph.D.

Faculty of Data Science,
The Center for Data Science Education and Research, Shiga University
1-1-1 Banba, Hikone, Shiga 522-8522, Japan
Email: zhou at biwako.shiga-u.ac.jp
Phone: +81-749-27-1290
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