[Om-announce] CFP: ICLP 2019 Special Session: Women in Logic Programming

Fioretto, Ferdinando fioretto.ferdinando at isye.gatech.edu
Sat Apr 27 03:00:24 CEST 2019

The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019)

Special Session: Women in Logic Programming

This special session aims to increase the visibility and impact of women in LP, fostering awareness of one another’s work. To have good role models is very important for female students and this session is an opportunity to celebrate women’s work in the community. We hope this will be particularly attractive to early-career women. The session will include one or two invited talks and presentations by women in logic programming. 

Submission Details

The submissions to this special session must be made via the EasyChair conference system: 


All submissions must be written in English and at least one coauthor must be a woman. Contributions can be sent in the form of short papers (7 pages in OASIcs format, including references) and can describe published research. The accepted short papers that describe original and previously unpublished work will be published as TCs, along with the selected ICLP-TC papers. The accepted short papers that describe published research will be made available at the conference webpage, with the permission of the authors.

All technical communications will be presented during the conference, preferably by women. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be automatically included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic Programming Newsletter at no cost. 


Important Dates

Abstract registration: April 27, 2019
Paper submission: May 4, 2019
Notification: June 19, 2019
Camera-ready copy due: July 31, 2019
Main conference: September 22, 2019  


Session Chairs:
   Marina De Vos - University of Bath
   Alicia Villanueva - Universitat Politècnica de València

Program Committee

Elvira Albert - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Stefania Costantini - University of L’Aquila
Ines Dutra - University of Porto
Daniela Inclezan - Miami University 
Ekaterina Komendantskaya - Heriot-Watt University
Simona Perri - University of Calabria

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