[Om-announce] IEEE ICSA 2022: Poster Track

Dalila Tamzalit dalila.tamzalit at univ-nantes.fr
Wed Jul 28 10:01:32 CEST 2021

**The IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) 2022 
is on the way! Please note that deadlines are earlier than usual: 


*Poster Track – ICSA 2022*

      Call for Contributions

The 19th International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2022) 
Poster Track provides an opportunity for both practitioners and 
researchers to present and discuss the most recent advances, ideas, 
experiences, and challenges in the field of Software Architecture by 
means of poster presentations.
*Posters*are intended to stimulate face-to-face discussions among 
conference participants: reflections on the past, descriptions of 
current initiatives, visions of the future, and new results in Software 
Architecture research and practice are welcome. During the conference, 
there will be a face-to-face poster session (in A1 poster format, 594mm 
x 841mm).
Conference participants are encouraged to support the task of 
selecting*the best poster*by dot voting (allocating stickers to their 
favorite posters). The best poster award will be presented during the 
main conference.


Submissions of posters must have up to four pages (including references) 
in IEEE Style, describing the work, the expected benefits, and how it 
relates to other industrial or research efforts.
Contributions should be submitted using the online submission 


The selection criteria of the posters will consider their originality, 
relevance for the ICSA audience, technical soundness, and presentation 
quality. Each submission will be evaluated by at least two members of 
the PC.

      Important dates

*Abstract submission*: December 1st, 2021
*Full paper submission*: December 8th, 2021
*Notification of acceptance*: January 14th, 2022
*Final paper submission*: January 27th, 2022
*Notes*: All deadlines are 23:59h*AoE*(anywhere on Earth)


Raffaela Mirandola (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Jennifer Perez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)

      Program Committee



*Dalila Tamzalit*
**/Maître de Conférences HC HdR - Associate-Professor/
Page web <http://dalila-tamzalit.com/fr/accueil/> - Home page 

Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes  - CNRS UMR 6004
Équipe NaoMod <https://www.ls2n.fr/equipe/naomod/>
   4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44307 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE
   33 (0)


IUT Nantes - Département Informatique
   3, rue du Maréchal Joffre
   44 041  Nantes cedex 1 - FRANCE
                      Tel : 33 (0)
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