[Om-announce] MathUI'21: Share ideas and work with respect to any kind of mathematical user interaction!

Paul Libbrecht paul at hoplahup.net
Sun Jun 13 09:30:09 CEST 2021

  (see MathUI at http://www.cicm-conference.org/2021)

## 13th MathUI Workshop 2021
## Mathematical User Interaction


at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics Timisoara, Romania 
(online) one day between (tba.) July 26 - 31, 2021


please redistribute

MathUI is an international workshop for discussing HOW USERS CAN BE BEST 
doing/learning/searching for/viewing/... mathematics using a digital 

Use cases range from professional mathematicians trying to proof a new 
theorem up to non-math oriented people trying to understand the math 
formula used for calculating interest rates.

* What do we know about interactions between users and math?
* Which mathematical services can be offered and can they be 
meaningfully combined?
* How is mathematics for which purpose best represented?
* What specifically math-oriented support or platforms are needed?
* How can we exploit best practices wrt. mathematics for better 
math-user interactions?

We invite all topics, that care for the use of mathematics
on computers and how the user experience can be improved, to be
discussed in the workshop.
TOPICS include:
   - user-requirements for math interfaces
   - presentation formats
   - mobile-devices powered mathematics
   - cultural differences in practices of mathematical languages
   - didactically sensible scenarios of use
   - spreadsheets as mathematical interfaces
   - graphs as mathematical interfaces
   - manipulations of mathematical expressions

This workshop follows a successful series of workshops held at
the Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics;
it features presentations of brand new ideas in papers selected by
a thorough review process, wide space for discussions, as well as a
software demonstration session.

DEADLINE: Continuous submission until July 14th 2021
CONTRIBUTION: 4 - 12 pages
FORMAT: PDF file, Optionally illustrated by supplementary media  such as 
video recordings or access to demos
METHOD OF SUBMISSION: Submission at easyChair 
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cicm2021): select   author 
role, select the "new submission" tab, and choose MathUI.

The submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee
whose comments and recommendations will be sent back by July 21th
requesting a final version (4 - 12 pages) no later than July 25th.


- Andrea Kohlhase (organizer), Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
- Paul Libbrecht, IUBH University of Applied Sciences
- Marco Pollanen, Trent University
- Moritz Schubotz, FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information 

For inquiries please contact  Andrea Kohlhase, Andrea.Kohlhase at hnu.de

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