[Om-announce] Fully Funded PhD Positions in the Safety and Security of Advanced Systems Group (Exeter, UK, Deadline 2022-04-29)

Achim D. Brucker brucker at spamfence.net
Sun Apr 3 17:42:48 CEST 2022

We have two fully funded PhD scholarships for UK applicants in
the Security and Trust of Advanced Systems Group [1] (Prof. Achim
Brucker [2] and Dr. Diego Marmsoler [3]) at the Department of Computer
Science of the University of Exeter, UK [4].

We are looking for enthusiastic and outstanding Computer Science or
Mathematics students with a strong background in at least one of the 
following topics:
  * safety or security of (software) systems,
  * formal modelling or formal reasoning/verification,
  * program analysis or program verification,
  * language-based security,
  * semantics of programming languages,
  * theorem proving, model checking,
  * cryptographic protocols,
  * distributed systems (e.g., blockchain),
  * software security, 
  * cyber-physical systems,
  * specification-based testing, and
  * design and implementation of security architectures.

The positions offer the flexibility to define the PhD topic 
jointly between the successful candidate and the supervisors. 

Interested candidates should contact the potential supervisor
Prof. Achim Brucker (a.brucker at exeter.ac.uk) or Dr. Diego Marmsoler
(d.marmsoler at exeter.ac.uk) to discuss their application. 

For more details, please consult the official advertisements:
  * Compositional Verification of Smart Contracts in Isabelle:
  * Formal Verification for Safety- or Security-Critical Systems:

The closing date for applications is midnight on the 29th April 2022.


  Achim and Diego

[1] http://emps.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/research/cyber-security/
[2] https://www.brucker.ch/
[3] https://marmsoler.com/
[4] http://emps.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/
Prof. Achim Brucker | Chair in Cybersecurity & Head of Group | University of Exeter
           https://www.brucker.ch | https://logicalhacking.com/blog
                         @adbrucker | @logicalhacking

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