[Om-announce] [Vardi-list] A Special Seminar in Honor's of Dana Scott's 90th Birthday

Moshe Y Vardi vardi at cs.rice.edu
Fri Oct 7 04:16:56 CEST 2022

On Tuesday, October 11th, we'll be celebrating Dana Scott's 90th birthday with 
a special seminar by Gordon Plotkin, titled "Does recursion help?". The seminar 
will be held both online and in person at the Topos Institute's Berkeley 
office, with Gordon and Dana both present in person. Dana will say some opening 
words before Gordon's talk.

An abstract for Gordon's talk, and links to join via Zoom or YouTube
livestream, are below. If you would like to attend in person, please email
juliet at topos.institute to register as a visitor.

See https://topos.site/berkeley-seminar/
Date: Tuesday October 11th, 2022
Time: 1700 UTC (10am Berkeley time)
Zoom Link:
Password: happybday
YouTube stream: https://youtu.be/n7moEQtv3qU
Title: Does recursion help?
Speaker: Gordon Plotkin

Abstract: As everyone knows, Alonzo Church proposed that the effectively 
calculable natural number functions are those definable in the untyped lambda 
calculus. (He used Church numerals to represent natural numbers.) The 
lambda-definable functions were shown to be the same as the Gödel-Herbrand 
general recursive functions and the same as the functions computable by Turing 
machines. The fixed-point combinator Y is crucial for the proofs, as it enables 
functions to be defined recursively.

If we switch to the typed lambda-calculus the situation changes drastically.
Helmut Schwichtenberg and Richard Statman showed that only the extended
polynomials can then be defined (they used a typed version of the Church

It is natural, therefore, to ask what happens if one adds typed fixed-point
combinators to the typed lambda calculus. We present an answer to this
question. Our answer makes essential use of Dana Scott's domain theory to
model the fixed-point combinators.
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