[Om-announce] CFP(Final Extension to Jul. 30, Late Breaking Submission Open to Aug. 20): The 9th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech) - Boracay, Philippines, November 5-8, 2024

Xiaokang Zhou xkzhou2010 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 15:55:17 CEST 2024

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]

CyberSciTech 2024 CFP (November 5-8, 2024, Boracay, Philippines)

The 9th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech 2024)
November 5-8, 2024, Boracay, Philippines

Cyberspace, the seamless integration of physical, social, and mental
spaces, is an integral part of our society, ranging from learning and
entertainment to business and cultural activities,
and so on. There are, however, in addition to its technical challenges, a
number of pressing issues such as safety and trust associated with the
To address these challenges, there is a need to establish new science and
research portfolios that incorporate cyber-physical, cyber-social,
cyber-intelligent, and cyber-life technologies in a cohesive and efficient
manner. This is the aim of the IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress
(CyberSciTech). IEEE CyberSciTech has been successfully held in Auckland,
New Zealand, in 2016, in Orlando, USA, in 2017, in Athens, Greece, in 2018,
in Fukuoka, Japan, in 2019, in Calgary, Canada, in 2020 and 2021, in
Calabria, Italy, in 2022, and in Abu Dhabi, UAE, in 2023.
In 2024, we will continue to offer IEEE CyberSciTech with the aim of
providing a common platform for scientists, researchers, and engineers to
share their latest ideas and advances in the
broad scope of cyber-related science, technology, and application topics.
In addition, this is also a platform to allow relevant stakeholders to get
together, discuss and identify ongoing and
emerging challenges, in order to understand and shape new cyber-enabled

Regular Paper Submission Due:  Jul. 30, 2024 (Final Extension)
WiP/Wksp/SS Paper Due:          Aug. 10, 2024 (Extended)
Late Breaking Submission Due:     Aug. 20, 2024
Author Notification:          Sep. 01, 2024
Paper Registration Due:  Sep. 18, 2024
Camera-ready Submission Due:  Sep. 27, 2024

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Regular Tracks (6-8 pages)
Track 1: Cyberspace Theory & Technology
- Cyberspace Property, Structure & Models
- Cyber Pattern, Evolution, Ecology & Science
- SDN/SDS, 5G/6G, Vehicle & Novel Network
- Cloud, Fog, Edge & Green Computing
- Big Data Analytics, Technology & Service
- Infrastructures for Smart City/Country
Track 2: Cyber Security, Privacy & Trust
- Cyber Security, Safety & Resilience
- Cyber Crime, Fraud, Abuse & Forensics
- Cyber Attack, Terrorism, Warfare & Defense
- Cyber Privacy, Trust & Insurance
- Blockchain, DLT Techniques & Applications
- Post-quantum Cryptography
Track 3: Cyber Physical Computing & Systems
- Cyber Physical Systems & Interfaces
- Cyber Physical Dynamics & Disaster Relief
- Cyber Manufacturing & Control
- Embedded Systems & Software
- Autonomous Robots & Vehicles
- IoT, Digital Twin & Smart Systems
Track 4: Cyber Social Computing & Networks
- Social Networking & Computing
- Computational Social Science
- Crowd Sourcing, Sensing & Computing
- Cyber Culture, Relation, Creation & Art
- Cyber Social Right, Policy, Laws & Ethics
- Cyber Learning, Economics & Politics
Track 5: Cyber Intelligence & Cognitive Science
- Cyber/Digital Brain & Artificial Intelligence
- Hybrid & Hyper-connected Intelligence
- Affective/Mind Cognition & Computing
- Brain/Mind Machine Interface
- Intelligent Multimedia Technology
- Intelligent Object, Environment & Service
Track 6: Cyber Life & Wellbeing
- Cyber Life & Human Centric Computing
- Cyber Medicine, Healthcare & Psychology
- Cyborg/Wearable/Implantable Technology
- Human/Animal Behavior Recognition
- Personal Big Data & Personality Computing
- Augmented/Mixed Reality & Metaverse

Work-in-Progress (WiP) Track (4 pages in minimum)
IEEE CyberSciTech 2024 welcomes submissions of Work-in-Progress (WiP)
papers describing on-going research progress.
        We welcome submissions within the scope of regular tracks.

Late Breaking Innovation (LBI) Track (4-8 pages)
LBI track accommodates cutting-edge research across all CyberSciTech topics
that has emerged after the regular paper deadline.
This track is designed for timely, significant advancements that warrant
rapid dissemination in the present conference proceedings.

IEEE CyberSciTech 2024 CALLS
For original papers in:
* Regular Tracks: 6 pages in minimum
* WiP/Workshop/Special Session Tracks: 4 pages in minimum
* LBI Track: 4-8 pages
* LBI papers should present cutting-edge research across all CyberSciTech
topics. LBI submissions will undergo a review process, and those accepted
will be included in the conference program as either Regular or
work-in-progress (WiP) papers, based on their quality, novelty, and
* All accepted regular and work-in-progress (WiP) papers as well as
workshop and special session (SS) papers will be published by IEEE in the
Conference Proceedings (IEEE-DL and EI indexed). Selected high quality
papers will be recommended to prestige journal special issues.

Authors are invited to submit their original work that has not previously
been submitted or published in any other venue. Regular, work-in-progress
(WiP), and Workshop/SS papers all need to be in IEEE CS format (

* The 22th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence &
Computing (PICom 2024)
* The 22th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic & Secure
Comp (DASC 2024)
* The 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing
(CBDCom 2024)

Hosted by
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines
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