CFP CoSySyCo'98

Bernd Ingo Dahn dahn at
Tue Jan 27 12:17:29 CET 1998

		  (With apologies for multiple copies.)


       | Cooperating Systems  |                   Co      Sy
       |                      |
       |       for            |                       98 
       |                      | 
       | Symbolic Computation |                   Sy      Co

Potsdam, Germany
September 23-25, 1998



Research in Symbolic Computation and its fields

   * Computer Algebra,
   * Deduction and
   * Model Checking

has led to the development of quite a few systems that -taken together-
produced remarkable results. Although some of these systems are capable to
deal with many problems, even if we take only a subfield there is not one
system that can deal with all the problems users are interested in. This is
the reason why there are so many specialized systems that solve certain
tasks very efficiently.

So, at the moment there are some systems that have a general purpose intend
(at least for one of the fields of Symbolic Computation) and that were very
costly in their development. On the other hand, there are many special
purpose systems that solve certain very difficult tasks with specialized
methods. Naturally, users are interested in systems that combine all the
best of existing technologies.

One solution to this problem is to let the existing systems cooperate. In
the last few years this solution has been the subject of the research of
several groups in symbolic computation. In order to be useful, systems for
symbolic computation must be also capable to cooperate with a wide range of
application systems from other fields. These include text editors as well as
data bases, verification systems and many others.

The basis for the cooperation of systems is the cooperation of the people
that design and implement them. And the basis for cooperation is the
exchange of information. Therefore it is the time to bring together the
researchers interested in Cooperative Symbolic Computation Systems in order
to exchange ideas and experience and to provide the basis for extended
cooperations of both people and systems.



The topics of interest of the workshop include but are not limited to:

   * cooperation concepts for
        o automated and interactive deduction
        o computer algebra
        o model checking
     and combinations of these fields
   * cooperation of several symbolic computation systems and human beings
   * cooperation of systems for symbolic computation with systems from other
   * interchange formats for symbolic computation

We especially encourage submissions describing systems or case studies to
these topics.

Important Dates:

   * Papers Due: April 1, 1998
   * Author Notificaton: After May 22, 1998
   * Camera Ready Copy Due: June 22, 1998
   * Workshop: September 23-25, 1998


Submission Information:

The submitted paper should not exceed 15 pages. We strongly encourage to use
the standard LaTeX article style. The primary means of submission will be
electronic by mailing an uuencoded compressed (or gziped) PostScript file to
one of the program co-chairs. Submissions received after March 15 will not be


The workshop will be hosted by the Mathematical Institute of Potsdam
University. The institute is located close to SansSouci, the summer
residence of the Prussian kings. Public transportation needs about 45
minutes from Potsdam to the city of Berlin.


Accepted contributions will be published in a technical report of the 
Computer Science Department of the University Kaiserslautern. The report 
will be available at the workshop.


Program Committee:

General Chair:

     Bruno Buchberger
     RISC Linz,

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

      Jacques Calmet                       Ingo Dahn
      Faculty for Computer Science,        Mathematical Institute,
      Karlsruhe University,                Humboldt University Berlin,
      Germany                              Germany
      calmet at                    dahn at

Program Committee Members:

      Jörg Denzinger, University Kaiserslautern, Germany
      John Harrison,  University of Cambridge,   UK
      Tudor Jebelean, RISC-Linz,                 Austria
      Tobias Nipkow,  TU Munich,                 Germany
      Laurent Thery,  INRIA,                     France
      Andreas Weber,  University of Tübingen,    Germany

Local Organization Chair:

     Martin Weese,
     Mathematical Institute,
     Potsdam University,
     weese at


Actual Information


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