11th OpenMath ws, deadline for hotel reservations

Mika Seppala seppala at zeno.math.fsu.edu
Wed Oct 21 16:30:44 CEST 1998

To the participants of the 11th OpenMath workshop

The 11th OpenMath workshop takes place in Tallahassee, Florida, November
13 - 14, 1998. For more information about the workshop, see 

Please make hotel reservations yourself.  A block of rooms at a special
rate has been reserved at 

Cabot Lodge Thomasville Road 
1653 Raymond Diehl Rd 
Tallahassee, FL 32308-3721 
Phone: (850) 386-7500 
Tollfree: (800) 255-6343 
Fax: (850) 386-1136 

These rooms will be kept for the participants of the workshop until
October 29, 1998.  After that date there is no guarantee that you will
get  a room at the Cabot Lodge.

For more information about the workshop, see

Those of you wishing to give a talk at the workshop should contact M.
Seppala (Mika.Seppala at fsu.edu) as soon as possible.

I wish you welcome to Tallahassee.

--Mika Seppala

Mika Seppala
For more info: finger seppala at sara.math.fsu.edu

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