[om] OpenMath and Imaging

Manfred Riem mriem at win.tue.nl
Tue Sep 28 08:23:15 CEST 1999

Thanks for the replies,


> As has already been mentioned, it is probably worth taking a look at XSL
> for the stylesheet language [1]. There are several up-to-date XSL
> processors written in Java with the source available [2], that you could
> embed into your application; I believe there is even a program to compile
> a given XSL stylesheet into a Java class. Using something like that would
> probably save you quite a lot of work.

One question about XSL in Java, how is it generally implemented, do I get
a Canvas, can I select the sub-parts of an given equation. Can I move part
of an equation on-the-fly?

> <snip>
> > Some notes about point 3:
> >         So far I have 6 operators (image-classes). These
> > operator classes are the basis for the rendering. The first
> > question I've got is simple: "Do those operators cover about
> > all there is in rendering OpenMath?"
> <snip>
> You seem to have left out radicals (square root, cube root, etc.). They're
> kind of important... :-)

Thanx, will have to look into those.

> > We'll be using the JAI library to do the rendering
> <snip>
> Do you have a URL for the JAI library? I'm interested in having a look at
> it.

Sure, you can find it at


PS. Currently the officially endorsed version are for Solaris and Windows,
but after you've extracted the Solaris release you can use it on any system.

> Vil.
> [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl/
> [2] Some XML processors in Java:
>     James Clark's XT: http://www.jclark.com/xml/xt.html
>     IBM's LotusXSL:   http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/LotusXSL
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Manfred Riem
Computer Science Student
Eindhoven University of Technology

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