[om] OpenMath and Imaging
Ka-Ping Yee
ping at lfw.org
Tue Sep 28 23:38:11 CEST 1999
On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, David Carlisle wrote:
> > including ones that MathML still fails to solve.
> > Here is one simple example: write
> > 5 < x <= 10
> Minse is as far as I remember purely presentational,
No no no -- this is completely not the case! I was the one
arguing for a more semantic basis for representation on the
HTML-Math mailing list way back when they were doing a kind
of LaTeX-Mathematica-derived syntax, and others were reluctant.
MINSE is a structured expression notation completely separate
from the presentation which can be specified in a stylesheet.
It was actually kind of a precursor to XML, but without the
hype, with a more concise and readable syntax, and with a more
convenient and powerful stylesheet mechanism.
> <OMA>
> <OMS name="and" cd="logic1"/>
> <OMA>
> <OMS name="relation1" name="lt"/>
> <OMI>5</OMI>
> <OMV name="x"/>
> </OMA>
> <OMA>
> <OMS name="relation1" name="leq"/>
> <OMV name="x"/>
> <OMI>10</OMI>
> </OMA>
> </OMA>
It's nice, but i'd still much rather type "5 < x <= 10".
-- ?!ng
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-- Pablo Picasso
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