[om] CFP Special Issue JSC on Computer Algebra and Mechanized Reasoning

Manfred Kerber M.Kerber at cs.bham.ac.uk
Sat Aug 19 23:18:05 CEST 2000

                              Call for Papers
                      Journal of Symbolic Computation
                              Special Issue on
                 Computer Algebra and Mechanized Reasoning
              Guest Editors: Tomás Recio, Manfred Kerber
     The special issue is related to topics discussed in the context of
     the ISSAC-2000 symposium and the CALCULEMUS-2000 symposium in
     August 2000 in St Andrews, Scotland. We invite any work that
     substantially extends ideas and topics presented in St Andrews.
     Typical ISSAC-2000 relevant topics are:
     * Algorithmic mathematics: Algebraic, symbolic, and symbolic-numeric
       algorithms including: simplification, polynomial and rational
       function manipulations, algebraic equations, summation and
       recurrence equations, integration and differential equations,
       linear algebra, number theory, group computations, and geometric
     * Computer science: Theoretical and practical problems in symbolic
       mathematical manipulation including: computer algebra systems,
       data structures, computational complexity, problem solving
       environments, programming languages and libraries for
       symbolic-numeric-geometric computation, user interfaces,
       visualization, software architectures, parallel or distributed
       computing, mapping algorithms to architectures, analysis and
       benchmarking, automatic differentiation and code generation,
       automatic theorem proving, mathematical data exchange protocols.
     * Applications: Problem treatments incorporating algebraic,
       symbolic, symbolic-numeric and geometric computation in an
       essential or novel way, including engineering, economics and
       finance, architecture, physical and biological sciences, computer
       sciences, logic, mathematics, statistics, and uses in education.
     CALCULEMUS-2000 relevant topics include all aspects related to the
     combination of deduction systems and computer algebra systems. We
     also explicitly encourage submissions of results from applications
     and case studies where such an integration proves particularly
     important. Typical topics are:
     * Integration/combination of computer algebra systems/algorithms and
       deduction systems (either automated theorem provers, or
       proof-development systems)
     * Incorporation of deduction techniques in computer algebra
     * Incorporation of computer algebra techniques in deduction
     Prospective contributors are warmly invited to contact the guest
     editors to discuss the suitability of topics and papers.
  Submission Guidelines
     ISSAC-related papers must be submitted to Tomás Recio,
     CALCULEMUS-related papers to Manfred Kerber.
     For submissions please follow the instructions provided at
     Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged, and may be sent as
     one e-mail (MIME attachments are allowed). The message should
     contain (i) the abstract in ASCII and (ii) the whole paper in
     Postscript. The Postscript form must be interpretable by
     Ghostscript, and must use standard fonts, or include the necessary
     fonts. Authors who cannot meet these requirements should submit 5
     hard copies by post instead.
     All submitted papers will be refereed according to the usual JSC
     refereeing process.
     To aid planning and organization, we would appreciate an email of
     intent to submit a paper (including author information, a tentative
     title and abstract, and an estimated number of pages) as early as
  Important Dates
   Submission of papers:                  1 November 2000
   Notification of acceptance/rejection: 15 February 2001
   Submission of revised versions:       15 March 2001
   Delivery of camera-ready copies:       1 May 2001
   Publication of special issue:         planned around July 2001
  Guest Editors' Addresses:
   Tomás Recio                           Manfred Kerber
   Departamento de Matemáticas           School of Computer Science
   Estadística y Computación             The University of Birmingham
   Facultad de Ciencias                  Edgbaston
   Universidad de Cantabria              Birmingham
   Avenida de los Castros, s/n           B15 2TT
   39071 Santander, España               England
   phone: +34 942 20 14 33               phone: +44 121 414 4787
   fax: +34 942 20 14 02                 fax: +44 121 414 4281
   recio at matesco.unican.es               M.Kerber at cs.bham.ac.uk
   This information is available as: 
   JSC Editor's Web Page: http://www.math.ncsu.edu/~hong/jsc.htm

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