[om] Reference vs. Referent: solution to an old problem
Andrew Solomon
andrew at illywhacker.net
Fri Dec 8 20:34:21 CET 2000
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your comments.
Richard Fateman wrote:
> I think it is a mistake to define any behavior whatsoever
> in "an open math compliant CAS" other than its results syntactically
> correspond to a certain grammar.
Let's leave aside for the moment the question of *what label* defines CAS
behaviour, whether it be "openmath compliant CAS" or "Andrew compliant CAS"
and refer back to the big picture to see that it is desirable to have
*some label* defining CAS behaviour.
The Big Picture: It's 2002 and I'm sitting back playing with my new
version of OMGAP-i 1.0 (OpenMath compliant and Internet enabled).
I've just got an enormous characteristic polynomial from of a matrix
and when I type "Factorization(p)" OMGAP-i knows full well it doesn't
have a chance of doing the job in a reasonable time frame and
would be better off subcontracting the job to a more specialized polynomial engine.
So, OMGAP-i hits openmath.napster.com asking for the nearest OM server which does
[cd="PolyZ" name="Factorization"], and gets a selection of servers to try. The
one it chooses is cas.maple.com (but it could have been cas.mathematica.com).
OMGAP-i asks cas.maple.com to evaluate the object:
<OMS cd="cas" name="referent"/>
<OMSTR some/>
<OMS cd="polyZ" name="Factorization"/>
< the polynomial >
and gets back an openmath list of polynomials which are irreducible factors of p.
I think that if one subscribes to this view of the future, then it's necessary
to have *some* way to define, in a standard way, the behaviour of a
compute engine which is part of this cooperative network. Whether you want to
define this system/standard with OpenMath CDs (like the CAS CD)
seems to me to be a matter of taste, but to my mind, to exclude this kind of
work from the OpenMath effort would be bizarre since I thought it was one of the goals
of OpenMath.
> In the particular example, changing 3! to 6 is certainly not
> a required, compulsory, or necessarily desirable transformation.
I don't see what else 3! refers to. If you want to
keep 3! then you can simply not ask for the referent.
3! = [cd="integer1" name="factorial"](3)
[cd="cas" name="referent"]([cd="integer1" name="factorial"](3)) = 6
> Transmitting the concept of 3! is NOT the same as transmitting
> the concept of 6. consider:
> x+x^2/2+x^3/6+... versus x+x^2/2+x^3/3!+ ...
I completely agree. I don't understand what you're getting at here.
PIMS/MITACS/CECM http://www.cecm.sfu.ca
Simon Fraser University
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