[om] Reference vs. Referent: solution to an old problem

Paul Libbrecht paul at ags.uni-sb.de
Mon Dec 11 14:51:56 CET 2000

Sir Richard,

I think your cynic here... of course such generic things as "eval" or "simplify" or... are too short general. 

But, also, of course, that "operators" CD would have to mention the domains which, in your example would not be supported, period.

Such a CD could NEVER rely on the on-purpose-simplistically-designed language a Computer algebra system can eat. This is a shell language that has a lot of contexts in and this context is precisely the delicate task of such a thing !!


On Saturday, December 9, 2000, at 12:27 AM, Richard Fateman wrote:

> Any time two CAS differ in their capabilities, you will have to choose for 
> the standard the least capable.  Otherwise you must distinguish between them, 
> and once you do that, you have no standard. 
> Imagine a CAS that only knows about polynomials.  How do you standardize 
> its response to a question that requires rational, algebraic, logarithmic, 
> exponential, trigonometric, etc. functions. 
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