[om] [IDEA] om urls

Paul Libbrecht paul at ags.uni-sb.de
Wed Jan 24 15:33:21 CET 2001

Oh sure.... except it is all a bit tricky and highly browser dependant. This all was what I wanted to avoid !


On Wednesday, January 24, 2001, at 03:13 PM, David Carlisle wrote:

> > True... if you wait till they do it. 
> There's no need to wait if you have an XSLT enabled browser (IE or 
> certain builds of Mozilla). You can just put the OpenMath inline in the 
> document and trasform in the client to whatever you want, eg inline 
> Presentation MathML for rendering in Mozilla, or an applet call to Jome 
> or webeq or whatever. 

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