[om] Re: Mathworld @ Wolfram back on line
ereinald at win.tue.nl
Mon Nov 12 15:01:13 CET 2001
Hi Paul,
The state of our (riaca) phraseebooks is as follows:
-Both gap and Mathematica support most of the core CDs functionality (at
least for
going from OpenMath to Mathemcatica or Gap Native code). The way back
is not so good as it is dificult even to decide what is the "meanning"
of a native expression.
(For instance, a List of List on Gap can be either a Matrix, a List of
List, a Set of List, a
Set of Sets, etc). We have a work around using some casting operations
(not included by now on
the pharsebooks).
-Both can be used to send Native commands and get back either OpenMath
or Native sintax.
-Both supports dynamical CDs pluging. That means if you write the
implementations of
of your own CDs using the API we provide you can extent the set of
supported CDs.
I working also on a JSP tag library to easy the development of JSP pages
(and web applications)
that use interaction with bacengines (unfortunately this is a private
project). Among the things
you easily do with the help of the tag library are:
-Create phrasebook JavaBeans and later on use them (all of these via
tags) to compute
with the back engines.
-Produce MathML from OpenMath. Here you can either use a XSLT stylesheet
or even beter (and faster)
a MathML phrasebook we are developing.
-The tag library also helps you to have some kind of context (to place
objects and and keep track of
-Casting of OpenMath objects.
I hope soon we will have a demo in Our web site ilustrating all of this.
Please any contributions (criticisms) are welcome.
Best regards,
Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro.
Paul Libbrecht wrote:
> Would anyone get into a comparative list of the phrasebooks with some
> quality annotations ??
> I had the impression the gap and mathematica phrasebooks are probably good
> and usable, our attempts for the sfu Maple phrasebooks were simply
> catastrophic and I believe there are some out there.
> Having a page on the OpenMath website where the makers make a commitment
> of compliance and other such fancy things as made in the MathML or SVG
> page of W3C would be really really meaningful.
> Thanks.
> Paul
> On Samedi, novembre 10, 2001, at 03:20 PM, Arjeh Cohen wrote:
> > For free available phrasebooks for Mathematica,
> > see http://crystal.win.tue.nl/download
> >
> > It is open source, and teh Mathematica phrasebook
> > is not perfect... but we are working on it,
> > and you are very welcome to contribute,
> >
> >
> > Sincerely, Arjeh
> >
> --
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