[om] Matlab phrasebook?

Richard Fateman fateman at cs.berkeley.edu
Mon Oct 22 03:53:52 CEST 2001

At the risk of pointing out the obvious,
if Javamath wishes to communicate with a Matlab session,
then the simple and obvious method is to use character
strings that look like Matlab commands. That is certainly
the way I did it in Macsyma, circa 1979. The return
journey is via arrays of floats.

Converting to an openmath XML object in between is
pointless, I think, unless maybe array of float
is going to benefit from being copied over a few
extra times. Or if someone is paying you to do
openmath, regardless of its utility.

There are, I suspect, entirely other issues that make
Matlab semantics unwelcome in the rest of the world, at
least if it is still the way I remember it:  the meaning of a
variable Z depends upon whether there happens to be a file in some
file directory with that name.  Is Z a function or an array?
Whose file directory are you talking about?


Cleve Moler wrote:

> Hi --  Thanks for the reply.  I'm out of the country right now, with
> a slow bandwidth connection.  I'll pursue these links when I' more
> closely connected.
>   -- Cleve
> On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Andrew Solomon wrote:
>>hi Cleve,
>>As you probably know, OpenMath is an emerging xml standard for representing
>>mathematical objects. A *phrasebook* is not formally defined, but
>>roughly, it is a program you can run from, say, a MATLAB session to 
>>import an xml object into MATLAB (making it into a native MATLAB object)
>>and to export a native MATLAB object into the xml representation.
>>The authoritative and very general description of a phrasebook
>>is at http://www.openmath.org/standard/index.html 
>>while the use Ron Shonkwiler wishes to put it to is described at:
>>or less tersely
>>Finally, a more reflective look at the notion of phrasebook can be
>>found in my research report:
>>I hope that helps. If you have any further questions, please do ask!
>>best wishes,
>>Andrew Solomon
>>On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 11:28:34AM -0400, Cleve Moler wrote:
>>>Hi --
>>>I am not aware of any work on a MATLAB phrasebook.  I am on this
>>>mailing list, but I am not sure what a MATLAB phrasebook would entail.  
>>>I would be glad to become better informed on this topic.
>>>  -- Cleve Moler
>>>On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Andrew Solomon wrote:
>>>>Dear Friends, 
>>>>Is anyone aware of a Matlab phrasebook, either in production or under
>>>>Ron Shonkwiler (cc:'d) wishes to use Matlab as a computational service
>>>>via the JavaMath API and server. A Matlab phrasebook would be 
>>>>a flying start.
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