[om] semantics of structure sharing

Manfred Riem mriem at win.tue.nl
Fri Apr 12 13:01:32 CEST 2002

Hi all,

I've been following the discussion about semantic sharing by lurking,
but now feel prompted to add my 2 cents.

Why not keep the standard as it is and use the features already
available to use. Eg. use OMATTR to introduce the sharing.

Eg. for the object we want to refer to.

     <OMS cd="semshar" name="label"/>
     <OMV name="mylabel"/>
     rest of object.

Eg. for the reference.

     <OMS cd="semshare" name="ref">
     <OMV name="mylabel">
    <OMS cd="semshare" name="holder"/>
Or use an application instead?


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