[om] MathML and OpenMath on csymbol syntax

Brian Palmer bpalmer at cs.nmsu.edu
Fri Aug 30 07:13:33 CEST 2002

In the MathML standard <http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/chapter4.html>,
this example is presented: 

<!-- reference to OpenMath formal syntax
definition of Bessel function --> 
<csymbol encoding="OpenMath"

while the OpenMath standard seems to suggest the syntax should be
  <csymbol encoding="OpenMath"
where BesselJ is the name of a function defined in the CD. It seems
that the OpenMath suggestion is actually translatable (since an OMS
needs the function name), but for MathML, the presentation data is
also important. Which approach is being used by people? 

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