[om] Need some suggestions

Arjeh Cohen amc at win.tue.nl
Sat Aug 31 11:59:20 CEST 2002

> Dear all,
>     I am doing a project in Openmath and MathML using Java on sun 
> solaris platform.
>     The project deals mainly with two things.
> 1. Interconversion between Openmath and MathML
> 2. Navigating Openmath objects on the web
>     Now I am in the process of reading some material on the web. 
> But I don't know where to start. I am not getting a clear picture 
> on the web. Inorder to avoid confusion during the later part of my 
> project, I need
> some suggestions and the approach to follow during my project. Are 
> there any tools/software to develop my application? It would do a 
> great help to me if you can reply me as early as possible.

Try the ROML library for making phrasebooks with the packages of your choice
(phrasebooks see to the interface: both the communication and the translation).
The library is to be found at the RIACA home site.

Stephen Watt, in collaboration with So, has just completed some work on how
to translate back and forth between MathML en OpenMath.
The intentiion is that these translations preserve some properties,
1) put the native MathML constructs in the proper symbol+CD jacket of OpenMath
2) see to it that if you start with OpenMath and go back and forth to MathML
   you receive a semantically equivalent expression.

Sincerely, Arjeh M. Cohen

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