[om] Univariate Polynomials

Bill Naylor Bill.Naylor at mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Aug 11 02:13:51 CEST 2003

> Subject: [om] Univariate Polynomials
> I attach a CD and STS for this, prompted by discussions with John Abbott
> and Hans Schonemann at ISSAC 2003. I would be grateful if these two would
> review it, and if David C. could mount it as an extra.
> James

Hi James, David,

A few typos came to my attention:

1) in polyu.sts the second signature should have

<Signature name="poly_u_rep">

2) (in polyu.ocd) in the FMP for the polynomial_ring_u polynomial ring
constructor, the cd attribute for the first argument should be polyu, ie.

<OMOBJ><OMA><OMS name="eq" cd="relation1"/>
    <OMS name="polynomial_ring_u" cd="polyu"/>

3) the same thing for the example


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