[om] computation commands

Manolis Mavrikis M.Mavrikis at ed.ac.uk
Mon Dec 1 18:39:01 CET 2003

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Richard Fateman wrote:

>  You could write a CD that
>(a) "defines" (say) the Mathematica commands
> and another one that
>(b) "defines" the Maple commands
>and you could even define some new synthesis called
>(c) an OpenMath command set.
>However, who would believe (a) or (b), and who would
>care about (c)? 

Could be pointless but some could care about (c) having 
content/commands operating in different systems 

>Perhaps a pointless exercise for the
>kind of mathematician imitating what he thinks is
>computer science, 

>but without having to actually
>write any programs.  Come to think of it, perhaps that
>makes it ideal for a PhD dissertation
>in certain schools ;)


I was thinking that it could have been done already in a concrete manner. 
After all pointless exercises and PhDs happen every day. 

Thanks anyway,


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