[om] OM Floats (XML Representation)

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Mon Dec 1 18:47:19 CET 2003

> Yuck! Still seems horribly broken. 
Don't blame the messenger:-)

> But, again, it's not clear that this would affect the OM spec,
I'm inclined to agree, but wanted people who've thought longer about
IEEE floats than me to comment, hence this thread..

> I can go either way --- but as an aside, I notice there's a decided preference
> for RelaxNG among some people (w/ James Clark & Norm Walsh, apparently among them).
> I know you've worked with both RelaxNG & XSchema.  Is one form, or the other,
> intended as the prescriptive def of OM?  If I've interpreted RelaxNG correctly,
> they've sidestepped the issue by not defining double at all ???

Yes we're proposing to use relax ng as the definitive schema in OM2 as
well. Relax NG (unlike XSD) doesn't define any datatypes on values,
however it allows you to reference type libraries from elsewhere. All
the current implementations seem to support xsd types so that's what we
are using, so we have a Relax NG schema specifying that dec= attribute
is an xsd:string, and the issue is whether to change that to be an


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