[om] DefMP elements
Andreas Strotmann
Strotmann at rrz.uni-koeln.de
Thu Dec 4 14:08:42 CET 2003
Professor James Davenport wrote:
>On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Bill Naylor wrote:
>>1) Dissallowing self reference during a defining FMP, therefore
>>dissallowing recursive definition.
>Quite so, in a defining FMP. An evaluating FMP does allow recursive
>references. The distinction is made so that a system knows whether the
>expansion of the FMP will always terminate, or will only terminate on
>concrete nstances (and therefore, if the instance is not concrete, a
>fixed-point operator will be required, which is probably beyond the scope
>of most OM-capable applications.
I'm not sure I agree here: most OM applications I know of that could
handle such definitions at all would have no problem with a recursive
definition of functions, be it factorials or Ackermann functions. I
believe that we should take serious the advice of previous posts that
this restriction would essentially cripple DefMP.
>>2) Dissallowing multiple defining FMPs, therefore dissallowing different
>>but logically equivalent FMPs, e.g. a definition in terms of integrals
>>versus a definition in terms of recurence relations.
>One could have several FMPs, but the point of the unique defining one is
>that the author of the CD is saying that this particular FMP can be used
>to eliminate this concept in favour of "simpler" ones.
Yes, but consider sin/cos: which of the umpteen different defining
relations would you use? Doesn't that depend on the concrete context?
In algebraic robotics applications, for example, the defining relation
c²+s² = 1 may be all you need; in some cases, the differential equation
would be a preferred DefMP, but then some CA systems don't handle such
equations all that well; the definition in terms of exponentials is
another useful one -- in a complex analysis setting, that is; the formal
power series definition is another one, e.g. for sines of square
matrices -- but only if your system handles power series well enough; in
a highschool textbook, let's not forget, the quotient of lengths of
sides of a certain type of triangles is yet another obvious candidate by
virtue of being the "original" definition, but it is not going to make
many CA systems happy. How do you decide which one to use?!? The
equivalences of such definitions are not all trivial, and therefore an
application that gets one definition, and one only, when it really needs
one of the others may very well be worse off with than without a DefMP.
My personal stance would be that a DefMP simply states that it provides
one possible definition of the concept. Multiple DefMPs simply say that
there are non-trivial alternative definitions, some of them provided for
convenience, take your pick depending on your needs. Regular FMPs just
state generic properties that do not necessarily define the concept,
i.e. that may apply to other concepts, too (e.g. "sine is an odd
function"). This is a very important distinction to make, one that
deserves syntactic distinction.
But I do think that that is the only distinction that FMP vs. DefMP
should encode.
Still, the review process for CDs may well require that DefMPs follow
certain guidelines to improve their usefulness, but that's all they
should be: guidelines. Otherwise we'd constantly have to rewrite the
rules to capture legitimate uses we didn't think of before. "The world
(of mathematics) is wondrous beyond the ken of (any one) man" -- isn't
there a famous quote that runs something like that somewhere?
-- Andreas
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