[om] DefMP elements

Mike Dewar miked at nag.co.uk
Thu Dec 4 17:03:41 CET 2003

I think there may be a misunderstanding here, caused perhaps by a poor
choice of terminology.  There is no proposal to forbid recursion across
the board: James' suggestion is that we should have in effect two kinds
of definitions, one which expresses a concept directly in terms of
simpler ones (his "defining FMP" - FMP stands for "Formal Mathematical
Property"), and one which can be used to reduce a concept to simpler
ones through some multi-step process of evaluation (his "evaluating
FMP").  James makes some philosophical distinctions between these two
cases in the paper whose URL I posted earlier in this thread.

Perhaps a better choice of terminology would be "equivalence" for the
first and "definition" for the second but that might be even more
confusing ...


On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 07:49:22AM -0800, Richard Fateman wrote:
> Why not just say to people defining FMPs that some brain-dead OM
> applications may be unhappy if FMPs are recursive, and so people
> should consider non-recursive ones to be preferred.  I forget
> what FMP stands for, so I may be using the term incorrectly.
> Forbidding recursion seems like a bad idea, and people will
> view it, perhaps correctly, as showing that OM is strictly
> less capable than the systems it is supposed to define.
> In addition to be verbose, complicated, etc.
> Professor James Davenport wrote:
> >On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Bill Naylor wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>1) Dissallowing self reference during a defining FMP, therefore
> >>dissallowing recursive definition.
> >>    
> >>
> >Quite so, in a defining FMP. An evaluating FMP does allow recursive 
> >references. The distinction is made so that a system knows whether the 
> >expansion of the FMP will always terminate, or will only terminate on 
> >concrete nstances (and therefore, if the instance is not concrete, a 
> >fixed-point operator will be required, which is probably beyond the scope 
> >of most OM-capable applications. 
> >  
> >
> >>2) Dissallowing multiple defining FMPs, therefore dissallowing different
> >>but logically equivalent FMPs, e.g. a definition in terms of integrals
> >>versus a definition in terms of recurence relations.
> >>    
> >>
> >One could have several FMPs, but the point of the unique defining one is 
> >that the author of the CD is saying that this particular FMP can be used 
> >to eliminate this concept in favour of "simpler" ones.
> >James
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