[om] Re: Bugs in OpenMath standard draft 3

Bill Naylor Bill.Naylor at mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Nov 13 00:26:01 CET 2003

I have noticed a bug in the example in section 4.1.3 for the new 'OMR
element. I shall assume that the textual representation is correct viz.:


in that case the XML representation is incorrect. I would suggest:
      <OMV name="f"/>
        <OMV name="f"/>
          <OMV name="f"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
          <OMV name="f"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
        <OMV name="f"/>
          <OMV name="f"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
          <OMV name="f"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>

for the unshared rep. and:

      <OMV name="f"/>
      <OMA id="t1">
        <OMV name="f"/>
        <OMA id="t11">
          <OMV name="f"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
          <OMV name="a"/>
        <OMR xlink:href="t11"/>
      <OMR xlink:href="t1"/>

for the shared form,



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