[om] Draft Specification of OpenMath 2

Mike Dewar miked at nag.co.uk
Tue Oct 14 17:39:31 CEST 2003

Thanks Bill,

I've added definitions for CDGroupRevision and CDGroupVersion (which was
also missing).

I've deleted CDUses completely from the example CD since it is now
optional and deprecated (the information it contains can be extracted
automatically from the CD very easily).  I imagine that we will also
remove them from the CDs on the website if people agree.

I won't put another version of the document on the website yet, to allow
other people time to read and digest the existing one.

Cheers, Mike.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 01:58:01PM +1300, Bill Naylor wrote:
> Hi,
> I like the new OMR reference feature of OpenMath2, it strikes me as very
> powerful.
> I note that the CDGroupRevision element which occurs as optional content
> to the CDGroup element (figure 5.3, section has no definition.
> There is also an omission in the CDUses element to the example content
> dictionary error.ocd given in appendix 5, setname1 is referenced in the
> first example, but does not appear in CDUses. I also note that this is an
> omission in the official error cd, on the OpenMath site.
> arith1 is also mentioned in an example, though this is supposed to be an
> unrecognised symbol (plurse) so I don't know if that counts?
> cheers,
> Bill.
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