[om] maths QTI workshop

Manolis Mavrikis m.mavrikis at ed.ac.uk
Mon Aug 23 15:00:54 CEST 2004

(with the usual apologies for cross postings)   

The ones who attended the previous CETIS Assessment SIG meeting will be 
familiar with the "Serving Mathematics" project that Gustav Delius 
presented. The project is funded by JISC (see some more details here: 
http://maths.york.ac.uk/serving_maths/) and one of its aims is to 
produce a specification modeled on IMS QTI v2 focusing on mathematical 
questions and to implement it in various existing assessment systems.

Therefore, a workshop will take place on the 2nd of September at York to 
identify issues that relate to mathematical questions and QTI, what can 
and cannot be achieved. We would like to invite anyone with an interest 
in computer aided mathematics assessment to come to the workshop to join 
the discussions. A more formal agenda will be announced soon but the day 
will be spent with several short presentations from individuals but we 
anticipate that most of the time will be spent with discussions of 
details arising from these presentations.

If you plan to attend please register here:


where you will have to create an account. It is a quick process and it 
is worth the trouble since you can also use it to follow the discussions 
in our maths QTI forum where further discussions will take place.

To help the discussions start a new document on maths and QTI has been 
uploaded at: 
http://maths.york.ac.uk/serving_maths/mod/resource/view.php?id=103. Your 
feedback is more than welcome.


Manolis Mavrikis
School of Mathematics
The University of Edinburgh
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