[om] binder STS vs Symbol Roles

Ramon Eixarch ramon at mathsformore.com
Tue Jan 4 17:18:47 CET 2005

Hello everybody,

we have a question related with 'binder'.

In section '2.1.4 OpenMath Symbol Roles' of OpenMath 2.0 you can a find a  
sentence talking about symbols, binder in particular, that says:

'However it does not prevent the use of that symbol as an argument in an
application object (where by argument we mean a child with index greater  
than 1).'

In the STS CD you can read the description of 'binder':

An `OMBIND' object has three parts: a "binder" such as "lambda" or "for  
all", a (list of) bound variables, and an expression. The use of `binder'  
in a signature indicates that we are describing something which can only  
be used as the first child of an OMBIND construct.

We understand that both 'binder' are built to have the same functionality.  
However it looks like STS binder symbol in not as general as OpenMath role  
binder .

Is that correct or should STS binder description be extended to cover the  
possiblity of using a binder as an argument?

Best regards,
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