[om] No Access to http://www.openmath.org/

Clare So clare at scl.csd.uwo.ca
Fri Jun 3 18:42:38 CEST 2005

Dear OpenMathers,

What is the current status of the OpenMath website as of now?  It has
been nearly a month since the issue was mentioned.


* Arjeh Cohen <amc at win.tue.nl> [2005-04-28 10:42] wrote:
>  Dear David,
>  There have been quite a few complaints over the last few days...
>  in a way a good sign for OpenMath.
>  To avoid problems of this kind, I propose that we make a few mirror sites.
>  we might ask Takayama in Japan,
>  we can do one with the new server in a few weeks from now, and 
>  ORCCA might be convinced...
>  Greetings, Arjeh
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