[Om] OpenMath on the Web?

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at iu-bremen.de
Sat Apr 29 06:22:02 CEST 2006

Dear all,

we are developing a web search engine for OpenMath objects (it already 
works for content MathML; see the prototype at 
http://kwarc.eecs.iu-bremen.de/software/mmlsearch/site/ NOTE the URL 
will change).

For indexing OpenMath we would need large amounts of web-accessible 
OpenMath objects. Of course, we have  the obvious sites

The OpenMath web site http://www.openmath.org
The OMDoc repository

Do you know of more? If so, please tell us

If you know any content MathML on the web, please also notify us as well.


   Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,         Office: Research 1, Room 62 
   Professor for Computer Science      Campus Ring 12, 
   School of Engineering & Science     D-28758 Bremen, Germany
   International University Bremen     tel/fax: +49 421 200-3140/-493140
   http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/mkohlhase <m.kohlhase at iu-bremen.de>          

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