[Om] Signatures for "factorof" and "matrixrow"

Glòria Casanellas gloria.casanellas at mathsformore.com
Mon Jul 24 10:49:09 CEST 2006

Dear all,

I'm using signatures of some OpenMath symbols an I've encountered some 
possible errors on the signatures sts web files.

The sts signature for cd=integer1 name=factorof
(see http://www.openmath.org/sts/integer1.xhtml#factorof)

is showed as:
<OMOBJ xmlns="http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath">
    <OMS cd="sts" name="factorof"/>
    <OMS name="Z" cd="setname1"/>
    <OMS name="Z" cd="setname1"/>
    <OMS name="B" cd="setname2"/>

As far as I know, it should say,
<OMS cd="sts" name="mapsto"/>

instead of
<OMS cd="sts" name="factorof"/>

On the other hand, the signature for cd=linalg2, name=matrixrow is:
(see http://www.openmath.org/sts/linalg2.xhtml#matrixrow)

<Signature name="matrixrow" >
<OMOBJ xmlns="http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath">
  <OMS name="mapsto" cd="sts" />
    <OMS name="nary" cd="sts" />
     <OMV name="Ring"/>
  <OMS name="MatrixRow" cd="sts" />

It should say   <OMV name="MatrixRow" />
instead of   <OMS name="MatrixRow" cd="sts" />
(Another solution would be adding the cd=sts, name=MatrixRow in the sts cd.)

Please, correct me if I'm wrong and/or correct the sts files.

Best regards,

Glòria Casanellas

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