[Om] Content-dictionary notations draft

W Naylor wn at cs.bath.ac.uk
Tue Mar 27 12:17:46 CEST 2007

> doesn't have this complication as the partialdiff operator takes a
> lambda term, and then refers to the variables against which teh
> derivatives are to be taken by integer position (possibly repeated)
> rather than by name and degree, this means as far as I can see you can't
> encode a variable number of degrees. d^{x+y}/d^x d^y.
>  the calculus1 CD says of partialdiff
>    It has two arguments, the first is a list of 
>    integers which index the variables of the function, the second is the
>    function.
> In order to encode d^{x+y}/d^xd^y the first argument to partialdiff
> would need to be a list of intgers consisting of x 1's followed by y
> 2's, I think that could be specified with some suitable set of operators
> from the list CD, although getting a stylesheet to spot the pattern in
> such a constructed list would be "challenging" I think.

It was exactly this difficulty in the encoding which led me to contribute 
the CD containing an nthpartialdiff symbol:




> David
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-                  Dr. W.A. Naylor
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