[Om] in-units symbol wanted

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Sun May 20 00:28:00 CEST 2007

Hello OpenMathers,

I have opened
This issue is raised against the usage of the too general arith1/ 
times symbol to denote that a quantity is expressed using a given set  
of units.

My main concern currently, is about presentation: it seems pretty  
hard to create foolproof conditions that detects when a  
multiplication is actually an expression of units. Also, my feeling  
is that authors know that they express that (e.g. some write the  
square brackets around them).

I would thus propose to add an in-units symbol in units_op1, of  
course adding the FMP that it's "just a times" (namely, a  
specialization of).

thanks for comments


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