[Om] name of OMS

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Fri Aug 1 08:45:53 CEST 2008

Dear all,

I also side with James, David, and Arjeh.

I fear that Paul is victim of nomenclature introduced in OMDoc. There we 
have a <symbol> element that is analogous to <CDDefinition>.

I must say that both elements are somewhat confusing, <symbol> is not a 
symbol after all, but a symbol declaration. But <CDDefinition> does not 
define a CD, but declares a symbol in a CD. Maybe we should clarify this 
in the respective specifications.

Maybe we should even think about renaming (David, before you say 'njet', 
I must say that I am not sure that I would really propose it, but it is 
worth thinking about, since we are mixing MathML intuitions into 
OpenMath CDs). I am certainly thinking about this for OMDoc 2. But this 
discussion should go into the OM3 mailing list.


Arjeh Cohen wrote:
> I am inclined to go with David.  The Coca Cola logo (compare: symbol)
> appears many places.  There are probably regulations by the Coca Cola
> company (compare: CD) that specify the logo. In our CD the precise
> symbols (OMS) occurs, but is adorned with further information: the
> specifications.
> Best, Arjeh
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 09:18:16AM +0100, David Carlisle wrote:
>>> That 17 angels can dance on the head of this pin. :-)
>>> More seriously, since a symbol IS a reference to an abstract idea,  
>>> then the CD entry probably is the symbol, and <OMS name="arcsin"  
>>> cd="transc1"/> is a reference to that symbol, so probbaly the wording  
>>> ought to be shifted inthe direction Paul suggests.
>> personally I always thought of it the other way.
>> The OMS is the symbol and a CD gives definitions of symbols.
>> This seems to be the intuition behind the naming of CDs as
>> "Dictionaries". a token in a document is a word and dictionaries give
>> meanings of words. Just as an OMS in an OM Object is a Symbol, and
>> Content Dictionaries gfive meanings of symbols.
>> David
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 Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,       Office: Research 1, Room 62 
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