[Om] ANN: Krextor 0.1 (XML --XSLT--> RDF extraction framework)

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Tue Jun 24 00:25:32 CEST 2008

Dear OpenMath and OMDoc users,

  apologies for cross-posting, but I believe that this is really of equal
interest for OpenMath and OMDoc users.

I'm happy to announce the availability of Krextor 0.1. Krextor is an
extensible XSLT-based framework for extracting RDF from XML, supporting
multiple input languages as well as multiple output RDF notations.  Krextor
provides convenience templates that try to do “the right thing”™ in many
common cases, as to reduce the need for manually writing repetitive code.


As Krextor was factored out of the mathematical semantic wiki SWiM, the first
XML languages supported are OpenMath and OMDoc. Both is work in progress, as
is the work on the ontologies that allow for representing knowledge extracted
from OpenMath and OMDoc in RDF. The idea is to make knowledge hidden in the
markup usable on the semantic web or by RDF-based reasoners or query engines.

The coverage of OpenMath and OMDoc will improve soon, and you can easily add
new input and output formats, as Krextor was designed for easy extensibility.



Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange

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