[Om] CFP: Special Issue Authoring, Digitalization and Management of Mathematical Knowledge

admmk09 at easychair.org admmk09 at easychair.org
Fri Nov 7 22:48:41 CET 2008

[Apologies for multiple copies]

			   Call for Papers
		   Mathematics in Computer Science
			   Special Issue on

	       Authoring, Digitalization and Management
		      of Mathematical Knowledge

      Guest editors: Serge Autexier, Petr Sojka, Masakazu Suzuki

This  special  issue   is  devoted  to  the  topics   of  the  seventh
International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM'08)
and the workshop on  Digital Mathematics Libraries (DML'08) which took
place in July 2008 in Birmingham, UK. Topics of interest include

 * Representations of mathematical knowledge
 * Repositories of formalized mathematics
 * Mathematical digital libraries
 * Diagrammatic representations
 * Multi-modal representations
 * Mathematical OCR
 * Deduction systems
 * Mathematical assistants, tutoring and assessment systems
 * Authoring languages and tools
 * MathML, OpenMath, and other mathematical content standards
 * Web presentation of mathematics
 * Data mining, discovery, theory exploration
 * Collaboration tools for mathematics
 * Search, indexing and retrieval of mathematical documents
 * Ranking of mathematical papers, similarity of mathematical
 * Mathematical document compression
 * Processing of scanned images
 * Algorithms for crosslinking of bibliographical items, intext
   citations search
 * Mathematical document classification, MSC 2010
 * Mathematical text mining
 * Inference of semantics for semi-formalized mathematics
 * Mathematical documents metadata
 * Long term archiving, data migration
 * Mathematical publishing with long term archival goal
 * Handwritten formulae recognition
 * Recognition and search of mathematical diagrams
 * E-learning of mathematics

Potential contributors  may also contact the guest  editors to discuss
suitability of topics and papers.


Submission  to  this special  issue  is  completely  open.  We  expect
original  articles (typically 15-30  pages) that  present high-quality
contributions that  have not been previously published  in an archival
venue and  that must not  be simultaneously submitted  for publication
elsewhere.   Submissions  must  comply  with  MCS'  author  guidelines
(http://www.cc4cm.org/mcs/), be  written in English,  and be formatted
using LaTeX.  All submitted papers  will be refereed according  to the
usual MCS refereeing process.

Submission  to  this  special  issue  is  hereby  encouraged  via  the
EasyChair  submission system  (see URL  below).  To  aid  planning and
organization, an early  e-mail of intent to submit  a paper (including
author  information, and  a  tentative title  and  abstract) would  be


 Submission deadline:                               5 January 2009 
 Notification of acceptance/rejection:                6 March 2009        
 Submission of revised versions:                     17 April 2009  
 Final notification of acceptance/rejection:            8 May 2009 
 Submission of camera-ready copies:                    29 May 2009


 Special issue website:              http://www.dfki.de/~serge/admmk09
 Submission webpage:  
 Guest editors' email address:                   admmk09 at easychair.org
 Journal MCS webpage:                         http://www.cc4cm.org/mcs   
 MKM'08 conference website:   http://events.cs.bham.ac.uk/cicm08/mkm08
 DML'08 workshop website:  http://www.fi.muni.cz/~sojka/dml-2008.xhtml

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