[Om] OpenMath CD wiki online

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Wed Sep 3 20:14:50 CEST 2008

Dear OpenMath users,

  the SWiM wiki, a new interface for browsing and editing (in a few days) the
OpenMath content dictionaries (CDs), is now online at

All official CDs of OpenMath 2 are available, plus the preliminary notation
definitions for the symbols, taken from the current state of MathML 3.  The
CDs will soon be upgraded to OpenMath 3; in fact, the system will be used to
work on them.

Please see the main page of the wiki for instructions what you can do and how
to do it.  Instructions for the CD editors will follow in a separate mail.
Editing for them will be enabled once some bugs related to metadata
import/export have been fixed.

Due to the heavy use of MathML and JavaScript in the user interface, Firefox 2
(3 is better) is strongly recommended.  No other browser is officially
supported, but Opera >= 9.5 is also known to work for browsing.

I'm happy to get your feedback and bug reports.



Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange

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