[Om] Identifiers for FMPs

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Mon Jul 19 23:28:12 CEST 2010

Hi Paul,

  you can imagine that I welcome most of these suggestions.  I believe that
OpenMath CD authoring practice has shown that these …

2010-07-19 22:43 Paul Libbrecht <paul at activemath.org>:
> I'm all for grouping and marking with an identifier any FMP.
> I note that CMPs are wished in several languages and to contain  
> mathematical formulæ (as wel as... a bit more).

… are clearly needed.

On your request for further metadata-like information beyond CMP, our opinions
diverge again, even though I don't doubt that …

> I note that identifiers are not the same as titles and that titles are  
> also needed and in multiple languages (the notation-census collects an  
> amount of them already).

… such information is also needed in practice.  But my personal favorite way
would be supporting arbitrary metadata by incorporation of RDFa, as there will
always be the (n+1)st metadata field, which some application may need, but
which has not been hard-coded into the OpenMath standard.

But then, on the other hand, I am well aware of previous discussions about
RDFa-based metadata and David's argument that there might be a lot of software
out there, which is interested in OpenMath CDs but not interested in
supporting RDF(a) in all its complexity.

> That's all "being baked" for OpenMath 3, right?
> Would you add somewhere there also the links within a child of property?

Do you mean links to external data, e.g. DLMF?  Well, by RDFa that would be
trivial.  But if we don't embed RDFa into the OCD format (and that's what I
consider most likely), I wouldn't want to reinvent a crippled RDF for CDs and
rather maintain such links as "stand-off markup" in external RDF files.



Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701
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