[Om] Newbie troubles...

Alberto González Palomo alberto at matracas.org
Thu Mar 25 17:36:11 CET 2010

Herli Joaquim de Menezes wrote: (25/03/10 12:59)
>[...] So I decided to study
> Kohlhase's book. I tried to repeat some examples of this book using Eclipse
> Web Tools got no succes because some lines expressing dc: at XML code are
> not recognized by Eclipse. Should I drop Eclipse and do this from the
> scratch using Emacs, for example?

       I do use Emacs, but it should work with Eclipse.
       For the namespaces, you need to either get your editor to load the
DTD where they are pre-defined, or preferably (as it doesn't depend on
the DTD files being available) declaring the namespaces in your file.

       In the book you can find a little example of a stand-alone
file that has the namespace declarations in the root "omdoc" element,
in page 245, the section about "QMath".
       In that document, the OMOBJ element has the OM namespace
declared in place, but you could all the same put the namespace
prefix declaration in the root element next to xmlns:dc:


       Then you would have to write the OM elements with the
"om:" prefix: om:OMOBJ, om:OMA, etc.

       Michael's examples rely on the DTD being read, which is why you
would need the DTD files, but as you can see it's easy to put
the declarations there yourself. For OMDoc you only need the namespaces
OMDoc, Dublin Core (dc), and OpenMath. Maybe MathML if you use it.

	Alberto González Palomo
	Toledo, España / Saarbrücken, Deutschland

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