[Om] AISC'10: Call for Short Presentations

Serge Autexier serge.autexier at dfki.de
Thu May 6 15:52:56 CEST 2010

[We apologise if you receive multiple copies]

	     AISC 2010 - 10th International Conference on
	       Theory, Implementations and Applications
	    CNAM, Paris, France, July 5th - July 6th, 2010

You are  invited to submit  a title and  a short abstract  proposing a
presentation (short  talk or poster)  on work that addresses  the main
conference  themes:  the   Integration  and  Combination  of  Symbolic
Computation    with     Artificial    Intelligence    and    Automated
Reasoning.  Proposals for  presenting  both mature  work  and work  in
progress are welcome.

For more information on the topics of interest please see:

Please submit title and abstract (up to 2 pages) to 
aisc2010_0 at easychair.org
and indicate your preferred presentation style (short talk or poster). 

Submission of title and abstracts:    28  May 2010
Notification of acceptance:            4 June 2010

The accepted  work should  be presented at  the conference in  a short
talk of 15 minutes  or as poster preceded by a 5  min teaser talk. The
abstracts of the accepted  presentations will be collected in informal
proceedings and made available  at the conference. Authors of accepted
presentations  will be invited  to submit  to a  special issue  in the
Annals of Math and AI after the conference.

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