[Om] Survey Article on Languages/Ontologies for Math on the Semantic Web

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Wed Nov 17 13:56:14 CET 2010

Dear OpenMath and OMDoc communities,

I have submitted a survey article titled "Ontologies and Languages for 
Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web" to the Semantic 
Web Journal.  Among others, the article covers OpenMath and OMDoc and 
how to integrate it into the semantic web and the "web of [linked] 
data".  For those who have seen my almost-finished thesis, it's the 
first third of that in a condensed form.

As they practice an open review, the submission is available under 
and you can log in to comment.  Any feedback is appreciated.

Cheers, and thanks,


Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype 

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