[Om] conversion between formats

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Fri Feb 18 16:05:53 CET 2011

Hi Dima,

02/16/2011 03:51 PM Dima:
>   On openmath.org pages, e.g.
> http://www.openmath.org/cd/calculus1.xhtml
> mathematical expressions are notated in various representations simultaneously. Is there any libre and open source software that is used to convert (when possible) between Content MathML , Representation MathML, OpenMath and Prefix notation for generation of these pages?

These pages are generated with XSLTs (developed by David Carlisle),
which are available in the Subversion repository:
http://svn.openmath.org/OpenMath/www/cdfiles2/xsl.  Look for cd.xsl and
what it includes, e.g. there is om2popcorn.xsl.

With a few exceptions, these XSLTs focus on the conversion of OpenMath
to other formats.

>   (Popcorn has web page for itself).

… which gives you the "Popcorn to OpenMath" direction.

> Generally, which (libre and open source) software could you recommend for notation conversion ?

Particularly for the "OpenMath to Presentation MathML" direction, there
are lots of alternatives to choose from, besides the above-mentioned
XSLTs.  The alternatives mainly become interesting if you introduce new
CDs and symbols beyond the standard supply, and/or if you want adaptive
output w.r.t. different languages, different styles, different
communities of practice, different preferences, etc.

Two implementations under active development are developed within the
following larger projects:
* JOMDoc (http://jomdoc.omdoc.org) – library for processing documents in
the OMDoc language (kind of a superset of OpenMath), developed by our
research group (comprising Michael Kohlhase, me, and others)
* ActiveMath (http://www.activemath.org) – e-learning system, also using
OMDoc (but a different variant of it), with a particular focus on
multilingual output, developed by Paul Libbrecht and others



Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype
Semantic Publication workshop, May 29 or May 30, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
Submission deadline February 28, http://SePublica.mywikipaper.org
LNCS Post-proceedings of selected submissions, Best Paper Award by Elsevier

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