[Om] [EUROBOT 2011] Call For Papers: 4th Intl Conference on Research and Education in Robotics

Eurobot 2011 eurobot2011 at easychair.org
Thu Feb 24 15:30:34 CET 2011

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this reminder.

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

                       Eurobot Conference 2011
     4th International Conference on Research and Education in Robotics
                         June 15-17, 2011
                       Prague, Czech Republic


You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. The conference 
proceedings will be published by Springer.

AREAS OF INTEREST include, but are not limited to: 

* Research Track
-- Robot control and behaviour: localization, navigation, planning, 
simulation, visualization, virtual reality modelling, evolutionary and 
cognitive robotics.
-- Applications of autonomous intelligent robots: exploration robots, 
service robots, robots for hazardous environments.
-- Perception, processing and action: sensors, vision, motion systems, 
specialized peripherals.

* Education Track
-- Robotics at School and at University: curricula, methodology, 
competences, outcomes.
-- Practical educational robotics activities: robot contests, workshops, 
summer camps, robotic kits for education and research.
-- Practices in educational robot design: project management, team 
development, funding, reusing parts and components.
-- Future pedagogical activities: innovative practices, acceptability 
(humanoid teachers, etc.). 

* Special Eurobot Track
-- Presentation of projects and robots designed for Eurobot contest, 
including previous editions: robot design, planning, team building and 

Eurobot Conferences are organized in conjunction with Eurobot Autonomous 
Robot Contest. While it is not compulsory, we encourage the contest 
participants to join this conference too - and vice versa. For further 
details, see the EUROBOT website. 

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer. 

Authors should submit papers in English reporting original works. The papers 
should be submitted in PDF format, with the length of six to fifteen (6-15) 
pages following Springer LNCS manuscript submission guidelines 
which are available at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. 
All papers should be submitted using the EasyChair system at 
At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register to attend 
the conference in order for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings.

Paper submission: March 20, 2011 
Author notification: April 15, 2011 
Camera-ready submission: April 22, 2011 
Conference early registration: April 28, 2011
Conference: June 15-17, 2011

For more details please visit the Conference web pages at 

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