[Om] Mathematical Vernacular in formulae

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Wed Jan 26 15:13:24 CET 2011

On 26/01/2011 14:03, Kohlhase, Michael wrote:
> And there will usually not be a CD foo  whith a CDDefinition for the
> symbol<OMS name="terminates-for-with" cd="foo"/>  around.

I don't see that this is necessarily the case, any editor or software 
that is generating the OpenMath can generate a CD for any terms that it 
encounters for which it doesn't already have a definition. (The CD 
definition may just be a stub, but that's not the same as saying it 
doesn't exist.) It doesn't even need to write out the files these days, 
perhaps you just have a web service like


but returning the results in CD format. In which case the software 
writing out the openmath can assume there is a CD for any symbol that it 

That's not to say that the alternative inline definitions such as
  <OMS cd="altenc" name="vernacular"/>
don't also have a place.


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